Pain can be habitual. It can create neural connections in the brain resulting in an automatic response. Pain can keep you stuck, feeling miserable, hopeless, helpless and prevent you from health, happiness and success. Whether chronic physical pain, emotional pain from past trauma or the pain of not being able to perform your best, I can help. With NLP, hypnosis and coaching, pain can be a thing of the past.

You can heal, change and overcome a life time of unhelpful experiences with hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), coaching and other energy psychology modalities. Patricia, at Integrity Coaching & Training Systems can help. She will help you discover and embrace positive ways to “be, think, feel and behave” towards yourself. With these tools you will unravel and disassemble those limiting, negative and destructive self-beliefs. And you will transform them into the success you desire and deserve.

Contact Patricia today for a FREE consultation and find out how you can feel better, faster. Let her answer your questions and tell you how she can help.

Call or Text 206-459-2898. Or email,

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