How would you like a quick, easy and efficient way to lose excess weight? Guided meditation or light hypnotic trance is a very powerful tool to help you create the changes you want to make in your life, more quickly and easily than you ever thought possible. Guided meditation-hypnosis is used very effectively for weight loss as well as for other challenging and destructive beliefs and behaviors.

While in a trance, your mind is open and receptive to suggestions that will support you in changing your behavior.  For example after receiving positive suggestions about healthy eating and exercise you may find yourself looking forward to these new habits and enjoying them very much while losing excess weight in the process.

Sounds great you may be thinking, but does it really work? There are well documented studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of using hypnosis for weight loss.

One such study was conducted by David N. Bolocofsky; Dwayne Spinler; and Linda Coulthard-Morris in 1985 titled, “Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management.” The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41 (1), 35-41.

This was a 9-week study conducted on two groups of around 54 people.  The first group was treated with changes in their diet and exercise habits only.  The second group received the same treatment while also receiving hypnosis for reinforcement. After the 9 week trial both groups lost weight while in the program.  However, after the 8 month and 2 year follow up the first group did not lose any more weight and most of the participants gained back the weight they had lost.

The second group however, continued to lose weight during both follow ups, and most of the people in this group met their long term weight loss goals. Not only that, they continued to practice the new diet and exercise habits they learned in the study.

Findings from other studies like this (including hypnosis in weight loss efforts) showed the average short-term weight loss for those not using hypnosis was 6 pounds, while those who were also treated with hypnosis lost on average 11.83 pounds.  Over the long-term the average weight loss without hypnosis was 6 pounds, however with hypnosis the average weight loss increased to 14.88 pounds.

It is clear from these and other well documented studies that over time, those using hypnosis with other weight loss efforts are able to successfully achieve their weight loss goals and change their diet and exercise habits in the process.

What would your life be like if this part of your life was easy?

If you are ready to find out and begin your journey, join us for two sessions,

Monday, September 13 &  Monday September 20, 2010 

Highline Athletic Club from 6:30 – 7:45 pm.

Membership is not required. 

Call (206) 246-9000 to register.

In addition to weight loss, I offer individual and group hypnosis and guided meditations for phobias/fears, stress, stop smoking, confidence, insomnia, healthy eating, public speaking, sports performance, habit control, motivation, procrastination, self esteem, nail biting, bed wetting, anxiety, memory and concentration, and many others.  Visit my website and contact me for more information.

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Your comments & feedback are always welcome and encouraged. For an appointment call 206-459-2898 or e-mail me at:  Home page Copyright© 2007 Patricia Eslava Vessey…All Rights Reserved