What story has been circulating in your mind these days that you are ready to let go of? What tale has trapped you in its spinning? It’s challenging to not be anxious when the news is hypnotizing us with the catastrophizing language of tragedy, disease, and death.  That coronavirus is the boogie man chasing after humanity to swallow us up!  Who isn’t afraid? We are being held (literally) captive to the messages of gloom and doom.

Forget about the virus, these feelings of anxiety, fear, and dread held in our bodies over time can be even more dangerous! Many doctors, scientists, and alternative wellness providers believe these unresolved negative feelings are at the root of the disease.   And growing research supports this knowledge.

So, what can we really do aside from taking precautions?  We can use this time “off” as an opportunity to begin supporting ourselves in a profound way by taking control of those stories in our heads. Because let’s face it, the reality is a reality.  We are all in this together.  We are all losing something.  That’s a fact.  There’s no changing it.

But what can we gain through this? What can we change?  What can we control?  What can we become compulsive and fixated about?  What can we immerse ourselves into right now?

There are so things we can control, be in charge of and change starting immediately.  We can change the inner landscape of our minds during this time.  We can finally begin to heal that flourishing virus of negative self-talk by stopping it in its tracks. We can start treating ourselves kindly, with compassion, love, and forgiveness We can create new routines, new habits and finally use them this time to build and strengthen our inner, healthy fortress.

We can collect tips, tools, and techniques and PRACTICE them daily.  We can do those things we never had time for before, right?  We can start that online exercise class, eat healthily, write in a journal, organize our home, de-clutter, plant a garden, write a book, blog or connect with relationships we’ve allowed to fall away. There are so many things we can do!

So, what new story will you create to replace the old negative one?

Maybe you’re already feeling excited to weave new stories of happiness, peace, calm, self-care, health, and success into your life. I hope so.  If I can help, let me know.

So, begin today to let go of those old disempowering stories that have kept you stuck. Replace them with new, empowering ones that will multiply your energy, wellbeing, and passion for life.  Fill your head with a love of life and a sense of limitless possibility, joy, and happiness.  Seize this time and use it to support yourself.


 Here’s a process to help you. 

  1. Identify the parts of your life where you have been stuck because of the stories you have been telling yourself.  Think about those places in your life where you are having trouble or feeling blocked, i.e. work, relationships, health, fun, etc.  As you think about each area, notice the negative, limiting, and/or destructive story driving your unfavorable results.  What title would you give this story, i.e. “story of defeat” etc?
  1. Write in your journal, or imagine re-writing that story to make it positive.  What new title are you giving it?  Create a new, empowering, alternative story that makes you feel really, really good!
  1. Make it reality by anchoring your new story into your life! Bring your new, empowering story into reality by writing it down, visualize it every day, putting it on your calendar, and/or share it with someone who is supportive.  And, powerfully begin to, ‘act as if’ your new story is already a fact!  Continue with this and begin taking positive action, as your new story rapidly becomes your new reality.

Every time you tell yourself a story you reinforce those feelings and experiences in your conscious and unconscious mind creating strong neural connections. Over time they become reality. So, what new story do you want to put in your head?  Choose your stories carefully and well and let your good stories continue to expand and grow into truly magnificent ones!  Choose to leave painful or distressing stories in the past where they belong and replace with new, life-enhancing ways of thinking and being that will help boost you toward happiness and health.

If you are struggling during these challenging times, please reach out.  Connect with others by phone, skype, Facetime or Zoom.

This can also be a perfect time to use life coaching, NLP, hypnosis and other tools to help you make positive changes in your life.  I’d love to help.  Contact me and let’s schedule a FREE strategy consultation.  Learn how you can make those changes and improve your life, quickly, easily and powerfully.



Be well, do good and spread joy! Wishing you overflowing success,


Patricia Eslava Vessey, CHt, PCC.
NLP Master, author, trainer, hypnotherapist, coach
(206) 459-2898,


Hypno-Coaching is an alternative treatment modality with a proven track record for success. It uses hypnosis, NLP, coaching, EFT, Mindfulness, and energy psychology, to retrain the mind and body to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.

It can be the best choice in helping you overcome, chronic medical problems such as pain, IBS, Fibromyalgia, anxiety, phobias, smoking, excess weight, addictions and gain confidence, and perform better and improve sports performance. Hypno-Coaching can improve every area of your life.

Work With Me!

If you are curious if individual HypnoCoaching sessions are right for you, contact me via email, text, or phone call and let’s talk about how these sessions can help.