zen / spa stones with flowersLimiting beliefs hold us back.  They keep us from living authentic and empowered lives.  They keep us from joy, happiness, personal success and empowerment.  They keep us laying low and playing small when we know and want to do much better.

When working with any limiting belief, we help you get from your current state to your desired state.  First we help you identify your desired state?  What would you like to believe instead?  We ask, how would your life be different with this new belief, and other questions aimed at helping you draw out and give life to exactly what you want.  Similar to knowing where you want to go on vacation, if you have a clear destination or desired state, you’ll be able to get there.

For example, we help people afraid of pubic speaking to identify exactly how they want to to “be, feel, think, act, etc” while speaking,  Then we show them how to link the desired state with inner resources they already have.  Immediately they are able to transform this fear into confidence and perform the way they want to.  You can do this too!

Identify a situation that you don’t feel good about including the feelings you have and want to change. For example maybe you feel irritated with your boss, partner or colleague.  Next identify how you want to feel instead.  Maybe you want to feel compassionate, calm and tolerant.  Then, think back to a time when you felt these positive feelings.  Allow yourself to anchor, and fully feel these desired feelings while taking them into the current situation.  Believing you can and do have other options in the way you think, feel and navigate in the world can be very empowering.