Achieve The Sleep of Your Dreams Class!

Have you been struggling to get a good night’s sleep?  Do you get to sleep then wake up soon after not able to get back to sleep? Or are you unable to get to sleep at all?

If you are like most who struggle with sleep, you lay there wide-awake wondering what’s wrong with you, feeling tense and worrying about how the day will go without the sleep you desperately need.

Maybe you’ve tried every supplement, sleep aid, and sleep strategy in the book but nothing’s worked. And you are feeling helpless, hopeless, and stuck in a vicious cycle that’s getting worse.

The truth is, poor sleep can lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality. It can lead to depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, memory problems and it can destroy brain cells and negatively affect brain function and mood.

Sleep is a restorative activity.  Your brain is cataloging information to help you navigate the day, and you are healing your body.  It also heals and repairs your blood vessels and heart.

Luckily, sleep debt can be reversed. And we would love to help you change this problem. Our Achieve the Sleep of Your Dreams class is filled with tips, tools, and mental training techniques, including hypnosis, that will support you in consistently, sleeping deeply through the night.

Watch our Video about the class HERE.

For more information contact us at IntegrityCoachingAndTraining.Com Or Call or Text (206)459-2898 So that you can enroll in our next class and begin transforming sleepless into sleeping with ease.

Please reply with your interest in attending this class.



I am currently running a special. I have had to raise my prices. But I’ve created a SPECIAL PRICE DEAL. I’m offering last year’s prices through the end of 2019. To qualify, you need to call and schedule a session or two or more, before the end of 2019, December 31, 2019.

Curious about my work, read the testimonials HERE and HERE (be sure to read all the reviews in Yelp including the hidden ones. They hide them until we agree to pay huge marketing fees)

Let me know if you have any questions

 Can’t attend the classes, or sessions but still want to make changes? No worries, just visit the STORE and purchase a recording to help you make those changes


Wishing you overflowing success,

Patricia Eslava Vessey, CHt,PCC,
NLP Master, author, trainer, hypnotherapist, coach
(206) 459-2898,


Hypno-Coaching is an alternative treatment modality with a proven track record for success. It uses hypnosis, NLP, coaching, EFT, Mindfulness, and energy psychology, to retrain the mind and body to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.

It can be the best choice in helping you overcome, chronic medical problems such as pain, IBS, Fibromyalgia, anxiety, phobias, smoking, excess weight, addictions and gain confidence, and perform better and improve sports performance. Hypno-Coaching can improve every area of your life.

Work With Me!

If you are curious if individual HypnoCoaching sessions are right for you, contact me via email, text, or phone call and let’s talk about how these sessions can help.

Contact me:

©2019 Patricia Eslava Vessey… All Rights Reserved