It fills me with joy to remember that I can set the tone for my day, each day.  Before I step out of bed in the morning, I have the opportunity to decide what kind of experience I want to have during the day. Will it be a good day, bad day, my best day ever, and how do I want to be during the day. 

Creating an affirmation helps me in this process.  By declaring, “This will be my very best day yet”, no matter what I may be facing during the day, I am setting my intention and I’m filled with expectation that this will be so. 

What kind of day do you want to create for yourself? What affirming statement will you make before you get out of bed tomorrow? Try these:

  1. I am happy, relaxed and joyful.
  2. I will be very productive today.
  3. I will meet every situation with confidence and patience.

How will you begin your day tomorrow? What affirmations will support you?

Peace & Blessings to you always,
