It’s Spring and you know what that means.  It’s time for short sleeves and bare midriffs.  Well, ok, not the bare midriffs for everyone, but that means it’s time to shed those excess pounds we gained during the winter, which, by the way seems to still be here in the Northwest.

If you’re ready to eliminate those pounds effortlessly, feel confident, full of hope and you want to try something that will be life changing…, join me for my next Hypno~Coaching for Weight Loss course. Class starts next Wednesday May 4th from 6- 8 PM at the Burien Community Center.  Class consists of 6 hours split between 3 weeks, 2 hours each class.

There’s homework during the week and hypnosis and NLP during class, so don’t sign up if you’re not ready to release weight now!  Call Burien Center to register (206) 988-3700.  Happy Spring 🙂