Hi Everyone, and Happy almost Friday!

We received new computers at work this week, and I had the opportunity to re-create my signature page for sending e-mail.

I always add a quote after my signature because it makes a statement about who I am, and what is important to me.  This week I got a chance to find a new one that has deep meaning for me.  I decided to search for a quote on possibilities because I love that word!

To me possibilities imply that the sky is the limit, opportunities abound, and the land is plentiful, that there are many ways to do something, that there is expansiveness, and opportunities to grow, learn, and experience new things, and it makes me feel that we can do anything.

I like to use the word possibilities in coaching and find it very effective in helping people realize they have choices.  Too often we get “stuck” in a rut, convinced there is no hope, that things will never change, that we will never loose those extra pounds, or find that soul-mate, etc, etc. 

So, we resign ourselves to settling for the status quo, and feeling miserable about it, or worse yet, we don’t realize we could have more, and that life could be fulfilling.  Coaching helps people see the possibilities.  There are opportunities for creating the life you desire… everywhere, you need only to start looking inward and question what you’ve been saying to yourself.  Thinking in terms of possibilities gives us hope, and something to look forward to.

Think about an area in your life where you feel STUCK and answer the following questions:
♥        Describe what your life would be like if you weren’t stuck.  What would be different?
♥        List 3 (possible) DIFFERENT ways to see your situation
♥        List 3 different actions you could take to get yourself un-stuck
♥        What will you do next?

By the way, here’s my new quote.

The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.”  Brian Tracy

Peace, Love, & Blessings to you always,

Your comments & feedback are always welcome and encouraged.  For an appointment call 206-459-2898 or e-mail me at: Home page http://www.integritylifecoach.com  Copyright© 2007 Patricia Eslava Vessey…All Rights Reserved