Hi Everyone,

I have not been blogging for several reasons.  My website has undergone an overhaul which has taken months!!! And I’ve been traveling, training and writing a book on a new personal development system I created called, HypnoKinesthetics.  It is essentially, movement-based NLP, hypnosis, and coaching.  I wanted to combine my two careers, working with the mind via social work, coaching, NLP and hypnosis, and my fitness training into a therapeutic system to help others.

After many long hours of writing, editing, researching, and decision making, it’s finished.

The forward in my book is written by Judith DeLozier, MA, NLP University.  She was an original student and co-contributor to many NLP processes, strategies and techniques. She is one of my hero’s and I’m so grateful for her contribution to the field and my book.

Let me know if you want to experience this amazing new system.  To find out more about it and read the reviews, Go HERE

My book, Healing With HypnoKinesthetics, Extraordinary Mind Body Techniques For Transformation is on SALE THIS WEEK ONLY! So, go to Amazon.Com and buy it HERE

Wishing you overwhelming success,
