Happy Valentines Day to You!!!

The most powerful love we can give and receive is from ourself.  Having a positive self-regard, image, esteem etc can mean the difference between success and failure in life.  It affects and colors every aspect of our life.  It impacts our happiness and joy.  When we feel love toward ourself we can more freely and easily give it to others.  When you begin to judge yourself less and love yourself more, you begin to judge others less and love them more as well.

You have unique qualities no one else but you have. No two drops of water can ever be the same – just like you are special and different too. Celebrate this truth!

Resist any urge to compare yourself with others. It is pointless because no one is the same, no one’s beauty is greater or lesser than yours, no one’s life better or less than yours. Your mission is to step fully into and embrace the magnificent, brilliant and radiant person you are.


“There will never ever be another person like you or another day like this one. Make sure to appreciate the good in both.”

You are loved and appreciated more then you know!

“You can feed off the complements of others and pretend that their validation is enough to love you. Truthfully, the only love powerful enough to validate you is the love you give yourself.” – Karen A.Baquiran

“The more you love yourself, the less non-– sense you’ll tolerate.” Paul Carrick Brunson

“I am not this here, I am not this skin, IAM the soul that lives within.” – Rumi

” There will never ever be another person like you or another day like this one. Make sure to appreciate the good in both.”