Hi everyone!
Last Saturday I taught a workshop titled, My Extraordinary Management of Time. In the workshop, we talked about how we all procrastinate to a certain degree. However, some times procrastination completely paralyzes us.

By putting off things we know we want to complete, and things we know we “should” do, but do not want to do, we dwell in a self-made purgatory of failure. Sadly, some of us are in this place our entire lives, never finding our way out.

In choosing to live like this, on some level, we intentionally set ourselves up to fail. How can we feel good about ourselves, and perform better at tasks important to us, when we feel like a failure all the time?

We also prevent ourselves from experiencing success, and achieving our full potential. This choice disrupts our careers and personal lives, sometimes with dire consequences.

When we feel bad about ourselves, in no matter how small an area, these negative feelings permeate and influence our entire lives. As a result, we are not able to “be” or “do” our very best. We continue to feel bad and we hold ourselves back, not expressing our talents, skills, and unique gifts.

Why do we do this? It seems so contradictory. We want to feel good about ourselves and embrace the success that often follows, yet we purposely set ourselves up to fail. Doing this seals our fate.

Many of us do not feel we deserve success. Some of us have been so beaten down by others, past failures, and limiting beliefs that we are more comfortable dwelling in familiar failure than taking risks that might bring us success.

If we were successful, we would have to reexamine our feelings about ourselves, and perhaps act differently. How often have you heard someone put him or herself down with a negative statement when they receive a compliment? If we truly felt good about ourselves, we might have to say, why thank you yes, I am good at time management… (or at least we would think it).

If we experienced success, we could begin to see ourselves the way we want to be instead of how we are “used to” seeing ourselves.

What can we do about this? In the workshop, we addressed procrastination with three steps that apply here too.

The First Step is to acknowledge you are doing this, and ask yourself if this is what you want in life? If the answer is no, then, ask, what do I want? How do I want to feel about myself?

Step 2 is to resolve it. Conduct research on yourself. Write about it non-stop three pages, without editing while answering the question, “What’s it going to take from me to be successful in this, or What do I want to create in my life, or How do I want to feel about myself?”

Step 3 is move forward, look at the bigger picture, and my vision for myself. What do I want to create in my life?

Do not allow past failures, or situations, limiting beliefs, or a fear of success sabotage you in creating what you want in your life. So begin to transform your life today, starting with you.

By the way, did you know that February is noted for the following important events?

National African American History Month
International Expect Success Month
International Self Esteem Month
National Time Management Month

Many, many personal growth blessings to you,

Your comments & feedback are always welcome and encouraged. For an appointment call 206-459-2898 or e-mail me at: Home page http://www.integritylifecoach.com Copyright© 2007 Patricia Eslava Vessey…All Rights Reserved