My life has completely changed for the better! Since the very first hypnosis session, I have been making healthy food choices, exercising 3-5 times/week, drinking a minimum of 8 cups of water a day. All this with very little effort on my part. I find myself just wanting to live this new way! The most significant change though has been my ability to stop –cold turkey- my habit /addiction of drinking Diet Pepsi. Since I don’t drink coffee or tea, the Diet Pepsi has been the vice that’s gotten me through the day for the last 30+ years! I have unsuccessfully been trying to stop for 20 years – with no luck until now!! I really have the ability to consistently make good, healthy choices with very little effort! It’s almost magic! I was really pleased with the results, especially with the ease of how almost effortless it is to stay on track! I recommend Patricia Eslava Vessey and the course because it really does work! Her knowledge base is outstanding. The class exercises were fun and really helped to see the points that Patricia was making. I’d recommend this course to anyone that wants to make healthy changes in their life. Thank you so much! You have really changed my life!