Thank you for your help and support. Please feel free to publish my hearty, and heartfelt testimonial to your services. You have been instrumental to my progress and recovery from some traumatic events in my life.
After doing some soul-searching, I finally came to the conclusion that I needed some help. I searched the web, finding Patricia Vessey, and decided that she and her services were a possible answer to my needs. I was out of work, miserable, and going through a divorce. I felt almost as if I was slowly drowning. Upon my first meeting with Patricia, I felt as if I had come upon someone who would help me save myself. She has helped me do wonders. Within a month of sessions with Patricia, she had helped me regain my sense of self-worth, and gave me tools to work with. These tools enabled me to overcome my procrastination and hopelessness, and helped me to look forward to the rest of my life. I believe it is no coincidence that I found a good job (and a number of job offers) just before my last session with her. It’s amazing what self-confidence and focus will do for a person. By myself, it was difficult. With her help, counsel, and methods, things have become better and do not seem so impossible. I look forward to a long and mutually rewarding relationship with Patricia, and will be always grateful for her help and support in good times and bad. Thanks, Patricia!