I am a 62 year old woman, who has struggled with my weight since birth. I was able to maintain a HWP size for a 4 yr period in my early 20’s, but the rest of my life I have bounced between 125 and 356lbs, depending on my emotional state and life’s stresses. Exercise, to me is a dirty word, and some weeks the only green I eat is pistachio pudding. Two years ago I discovered the HCG diet, the umpteenth diet I have tried, including a lap band, which did not work for long. I almost got down to a normal weight. I felt great, and thought I looked fabulous. So fun to shop for clothes again. I felt I had the admiration of my peers. Then something very telling happened. I started gaining it back. I could not control what I put in my mouth and all I could think about was the next meal or snack. Took awhile to figure out what had happened. When I was heavier nobody came on to me. I thought that at 60yrs old I was safe to lose my protective outer shell, but what was going to have to happen was I would have to get strong enough to tell an (occasional) suitor to back away from the fat broad, and deal with the emotional aspects of my eating problems. This is why after one class, I am so excited about Patricia and the hypnosis. It is the ONLY program for weight lose that has ever addressed why I overate in the first place. Sure, it tastes good. But how much chocolate do you need????? In one week after the first session, I lost 7 pounds. I am not on a diet, I chose healthy foods, and eat smaller portions. I don’t gorge before bed. When I get up in the morning, the person in the mirror is less bloated in the face, and Im happy to be alive. Going to my next session in 3weeks. Oh, and its affordable!!!!! So excited to have met Patricia.