Corporate training, seminars, retreats, workshops
Individual and group training experiences can act as a powerful catalyst toward achieving your personal development goals. As we discover new information, share experiences, acknowledgments and new awareness we begin to live more authentic and meaningful lives. Are you ready to awaken new possibilities?
At Integrity Coaching & Training Systems, Patricia specializes in creating and delivering learning experiences that generate positive, powerful and transforming beliefs and behaviors.
She provides a wide variety of workshops and seminars on an array of topics, while customizing training experiences to suit your particular needs.
FIND THESE CLASSES through Groupon Special Deals.
Corporate personal development & wellness presentations & seminars
Is your organization looking to offer employee personal development and or/wellness focused presentations?
Worksite wellness is growing in popularity because of the numerous benefits to employees and organizations. Many top organizations in the Seattle area, listed in The Seattle Business Magazine, offer employee wellness programs.
Invest in your employees and you are investing in your organization. When employees are given the tools, education and motivation to manage their personal and professional lives, they become empowered people and empowered employees. They feel better, think better, and they perform better.
Studies show that healthy employees are more productive, have fewer sick days and add greater value to the organization. Personal development and wellness education can help prevent many of the chronic diseases that are costing organizations large amounts of money.
According to the American Journal of Health, when organizations implement wellness programs, there is “an average 27 percent reduction in sick leave absenteeism, 26 percent reduction in health care costs, and 32 percent reduction in workers’ compensation and disability management cost claims”. The University of Michigan Health Management Research Center estimates that “an organization saves $350 annually when a low-risk employee remains low risk and $153 when a high-risk employee’s health risks are reduced.”
A well implemented wellness initiative (even a simple offering of a wellness workshop) can be an excellent employee benefit and result in increased employee morale, enhanced performance and improved retention.
Integrity’s wellness & personal development presentations/seminars:
Patricia’s presentations and seminars are interactive, informative, entertaining, and focus on personal empowerment. She provides realistic tips, tools, techniques and strategies to use immediately to improve his/her life.
She is available to come to your office, community center, school, and organization and speak on a variety of topics. Whether you want to learn to use the power of your mind to build confidence, eliminate stress, lose weight, learn to achieve your goals, create a team fitness group or support your employees with a motivational presentation and/or comedy show, Patricia will put together a custom-tailored presentation that works for you and your organization.
Seminar/Presentation List:
- HypnoSpa For Practitioners and Performers
- Mind Power – Your Key to the Universe
- Your Life in Balance – Wheel of Life
- Stress Free & Healthy
- Dreams, Drive & Determination – Extraordinary Goals
- Empowering Yourself through Exercise
- Calm, Centered & Focused – Meditation for Health
- Brilliant Performance
- Unstoppable Self Confidence
- Clear the Way for Motivation
- Healthy Self Love
- Self Hypnosis
- Healing & Happiness
- Leadership and Employee Team Building
- Leadership/Executive Coaching
- Respectful Rewarding Relationships – Strategies To Inspire & Create Healthy Interactions
- Taking Charge Of Your Time
- Designing & Delivering Powerful Presentations
- Extraordinary Self-Care Honoring My Che®
- Embracing Change
- Coaching Competencies
- 7 Keys To Extraordinary Conversations (Communication Skills)
- Extraordinary Entrepreneur
- Leadership Coaching
- Extraordinary Train the Trainer
- Keys To Creativity
- Unwrapping Remedies For Intolerance
- Hypno-Coaching for Weight Management
- Hypno~Coaching For Smoking Cessation
- Hypno~Coaching For Golf
- Hypno~Coaching For Performance
- Meditation & Guided Imagery
- Creating A Personal Mission Statement
- Other topics as requested
- Law of Attraction
- Living Your Vision –Transformation Journey
- PRINT STRATEGIES™ – Self Discovery through Individual Personality Strength Assessments
- Comedy Hypnosis & Motivational Presentation
- Laughter Is Good Medicine
- Journey To Self – Mind/Body/Yoga Retreat
- Recognize & Design Your New Year
- Empowering Self & Children Through Exercise
- Life~Fit Kids
- Music, Choreography And Cueing – Tools For An Outstanding Exercise Class
- Preparing For Retirement
- Group Virtual Gastroband Hypnosis
- Group Freedom From Addictions
- HypnoKinesthetics
At Integrity Coaching & Training Systems we are committed to helping you and your employees make health and wellness an easy, natural and ongoing part of their lives. With our excellent corporate wellness program, your employees will be able to:
*Lower healthcare costs
*Reduce absenteeism
*Increase productivity
*Have fewer on-the-job accidents
*Increase their overall job satisfaction
Contact us for more information (206)459-2898.

What participants say about Integrity’s training:
It was good. I really enjoyed it and could feel it working. I learned how to use anchors and set goals.
It was easy to do and would do it again.
Very good and valuable techniques.
This was new to me. It was different and I’m excited about the outcome. I learned determination, confidence, and commitment and how to achieve it.
You have great positive energy – fill the room with your presence.
I feel empowered to lose weight/food craving.
I learned how to love myself better, how to use my mind to exercise freedom of my body.
Class was empowering and motivating to make a change.
We have provided, and currently offer the following presentations and seminars. Additional sessions can be created and customized to meet your needs.
Journey to self – yoga – meditation retreats
Journey with us on one of our Yoga-Meditation Retreats and re-discover yourself while learning to cherish, love and appreciate who you are at your core, your Core Heart Essence, CHE®.
If it’s time for you to powerfully move forward in your life while easily releasing what is holding you back, join us, immerse yourself in one of our safe and nurturing retreats and experience an empowering, positive and fulfilling transformation.

Participant Comments
“I thoroughly enjoyed the retreat and would recommend it to anyone. I learned some new techniques to help me get in touch with myself and what is truly important in my life. Patricia – You are a great instructor and meditation guide – Thank You!”
“This was very empowering for me. I learned I can change myself as much as I choose to and that I am strong and competent. Patricia brought a warm vibe to the group – it felt welcoming and safe to share personal things and her guided meditation was very powerful. Workout was great too…a perfect combination of strengthening mind and body.”
“It was uplifting and liberating. I liked the supportive environment that was established where everyone felt safe to share. I also loved the location. I learned how to release stress that comes from bottled up emotions. It was perfect.”
Leadership & Team building retreats
Let us design and deliver your leadership, team building retreats. We meet with you to create the event your group is looking for to improve performance, relationships, customer service and more. We use a variety of powerful and proven tips, tools and techniques to help you achieve your group goals. Contact us today for more information.
Print Strategies™ – Individual personality strenght assessments
To be really effective in life it is critical to know ourselves and how to optimize our strengths and downplay-eliminate our weaknesses. The PRINT™ survey does exactly that.
PRINTS™ can be thought of as the DNA of personality. They determine our view of the world – why we do what we do, why we are who we are. They explain how we react and how we relate. Prints are at the core of what motivates us and what drives us crazy. Prints determine our strategies for getting what we want and reveal our life’s challenge. They provide insight and understanding about others.
EMAIL or call for more information
Prints™ are based on an ancient model. There are nine Major Prints – everyone fits one of them. Beyond that is the intuitive magnetism of Prints. Many people are drawn to them because they resonate with them at a personal level that involves a kind of knowing…a personal truth.
Everyone has a dominant Print – their “major” Print, and also has a “minor” or secondary Print. Every Print has its own spectrum of behavior – both positives (Best-Self) and negatives (Shadow).
Each person operates from his or her own perspective…their Print is their view of the world. By learning to tune into other’s Prints, as a member of a team, in personal relationships, with other executive or managers, you can connect with them from their perspective and thus be able to communicate with them in a way that might not have been possible before.
Prints allow us to gain incredible insight into why others do what they do. They also allow us to know how best to be “heard” and received by others.
Print Strategies allow us to unleash our full potential in every facet of our lives.
- personal growth and development
- relationships – both work and personal; with our partners, our parents, our children, our colleagues at work, our direct reports (by better motivating them)
- teams organization – its performance, results and culture
- careers – being in tune with our natural abilities and passion
This assessment provides you with profound insight into your strengths and weaknesses. It gives you a deeper understanding of your behavior. With this insight you can adjust your behavior to enable your best performance. When facilitated by a certified facilitator, it is highly effective tool for personal development and is used successfully for building cohesive work teams
Living your vision® (LYV)
Living Your Vision® is a personal transformation process facilitated by a trained professional coach. Living Your Vision supports clients who want to clarify their vision, purpose and core values, align their life with their clarity, and take action that produces intentional results. The Living Your Vision process includes approximately 24-30 hours of in-person facilitation. The process includes twelve weeks of follow-up coaching that supports you to step into action, move through challenges and celebrate your successes as you embrace Living Your Vision from the inside-out.
What you get…
- A comprehensive inventory to help you prepare for the Living Your Vision process
- 24-30 hours of one-on-one facilitation
- A Living Your Vision workbook, tools, forms and resources
- Clear and compelling vision, purpose, core values and guiding principles to guide your life
- A detailed Living Your Vision Life Map outlining your intentions, choices and actions in nine key life areas
- 12 30-minute sessions of professional coaching
- A richer and more fulfilling life, living your vision!
Discover your vision® (DYV)
Discover Your Vision® (DYV) is modeled from our groundbreaking registered process Living Your Vision® (LYV). DYV is a powerful personal transformation process facilitated by a certified and licensed professional coach. It supports clients who want to clarify their life vision, purpose, core values, and guiding principles.
What you get…
- A comprehensive inventory to help you prepare for the DYV process
- Group facilitation through a powerful and transformational process
- A DYV workbook, tools, forms and resources
- Clear and compelling vision, purpose, core values and guiding principles to guide your life
- A richer and more fulfilling life, discovering your vision!
All the programs we offer are powerful personal development processes designed for groups or individuals who are passionate about living life more fully. They can be completely tailored specifically for your situation.
2016 Hypnothoutghts live workshop, Hypnospa for practitioners & performers
We all need a little help sometimes, right? In this profession we want to “appear” to have our lives together. But the truth is, sometimes they are not. Remember those times you’ve felt stuck or helpless with self-doubt, low self-esteem and just not feeling good enough – when you’ve thought of giving up?
We’ve all had those negative feelings at one time or another. It’s a human thing and comes with being in the people-building business. Sometimes our “stuff” gets triggered. If you are like most of us your own self-care is at the bottom of the list, even though we know we NEED to walk our talk…
Taking time to care for ourselves, and address and heal own issues and challenges is critical to the work we do in the world.
Gather up and bring that “stuff”, that often gets in your way, with you to this workshop, because, this is for you! You will experience an amazing healing and reenergizing hypno session designed to nurture and nourish your mind, body, and soul. You will connect with self, source; and remember how great you really and truly are and you will leave feeling fantastic.
Bring your yoga mat, towel, or special chair if you want to recline on the floor or be more comfortable.
You will:
- Massage your mind with relaxation
- Release the knots and tension of stressful thoughts
- Remove the mental block that has kept you stuck
- Rejuvenate, heal, reenergize and strengthen your mind, body and spirit