Workshop Description

Join me for this one day, pre-conference workshop and certification, Thursday, August 13th, and learn new ways to support yourself, clients and students.  These techniques can be used in 1-1 sessions, groups, training’s, and retreats with all ages. They can be used to help transform thoughts, feelings and behaviors in performance, relationships, self-care, sports, chronic medical challenges, weight loss, smoking cessation, and others.

HypnoKinesthetics (HK), is an evidenced-based, personal improvement system combining coaching, NLP, hypnosis, and movement to generate change, healing, and solutions to a multitude of life’s challenges. It uses specific movement patterns to change thoughts, feelings, and ultimately, behaviors while empowering yourself and your clients with confidence and wellbeing.

This system will help you transform (repattern) the cellular memories stored within your powerful mind-body relationship and improve your life. Attend this training and learn a new, powerful and effective way to help yourself and your clients heal the past, embrace the present, and create a compelling future. You will leave feeling confident with HK techniques and prepared and ready to use them.

Objectives for a One Day Certification class. Participants will learn:

  1. The HK Background
  2. The Benefits of HK
  3. The basic Components
    a.  Basic Coaching Skills incorporating the ICF Coaching Core      Competencies
    b.  NLP Patterns used in HK
    c.  Hypnosis
    d.  Several HK Movement patterns
  4. How, when, where to use HK
  5. How to lead others in physical movement presentation skills. You will know how to use verbal and kinesthetic cues, and how to use the space to lead people through HK techniques (practice with feedback).
    NOTE: This is not an exercise class, the movements will originate from the unconscious mind and can include anything from a gesture, facial expression to full-body movement.
  7. Experience and practice leading others in multiple HK techniques

NOTE: Full Day Workshop Participants will receive E-book, once registered, ‘Healing with HypnoKinesthetics, Extraordinary Mind-Body Techniques for Transformation’ which includes over 47 techniques. And you will receive the HypnoKinesthetics Workbook in class.

Questions Asked:

Can I use these techniques in my office without a large space?

Yes, you don’t need a large space to use most of these techniques.  You could even use them with someone in a hospital bed, as I have done.


Patricia Eslava Vessey, PCC, CHt, is a trainer, PCC credentialed coach through International Coach Federation (ICF), and certified mentor coach, clinical hypnotherapist, master practitioner of NLP, fitness trainer, health coach, former social worker, and author.

The HK System combines her parallel careers, over 30-years each, of leading people in health and fitness to transform their physical, mental and emotional bodies into the strong, vibrant, empowered and healthy lives they want, and helping people change their thoughts, feelings, behavior and achieve their goals through the tools of social work, coaching, NLP and hypnosis. She’s seen how powerful change can be using mind and body and she’s eager to share this work with others.

Patricia has worked with thousands in her group hypnosis classes, retreats, fitness classes and in individual sessions. And she’s created and presented a wide variety of personal development workshops at local colleges, conferences, and corporate events. She helps her students and clients of all ages, to dream bigger, make better choices, and achieve powerful and lasting changes by learning to use the power of their mind and body to transform thoughts feelings, and behaviors. Find out more about her on her website, IntegrityCoachingandTraining.Com

Super Early Workshop Registration – $267

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Super Early Bundled Workshop Registration – $604

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For A Limited Time Only!

Hi, my name is Jo Moon, and I attended Patricia’s class on HypnoKinesthetics. Highly recommend it.  It was a fascinating class that really helped us to relate into our body through movements and to clear issues. I immediately saw positive results for myself through the classroom demonstration.  But then I had so many ideas that I was able to take away that I know I’m going to bring right back into my practice.  I have two clients I can think of right away who this is going to make a world of difference for.  So please, please, get in touch with Patricia, take some time and learn HypnoKinesthetics. I highly recommend this class.

I’m Carol Henderson, hypnotist, and I went to the program that Patricia Vessey facilitated. It was just great.  I came in last and I guess she told people not to pick anything to work on that was really huge. But I didn’t hear that part, so I picked something really huge, this thing that’s been bothering me a lot, a physical ailment and I’ve been hypnotized several times for it and it gets a little better, but this was a movement-based thing and you pick a movement or gesture that represents several stages of the problem, like the problem, the cause and the cure. And I didn’t think I’d be able to do it and I was kind of embarrassed because I’m not a dancer.  I’ve always had trouble with that, but I did.  And I think maybe that I’m cured.  That’s what I think.  I am much better.  Time will tell but I think that. It’s gone. So I really appreciate it. And she’s great.

I’m Donna Naumann. I enjoyed being at the conference and I got to experience first-hand what HypnoKinesthetics is like. I did not know that before.  It was the best experience that I’ve ever had. I got to experience how to work through problems with hypnotherapy along with the kinesthetic part of it. I got to do dance in a meditative environment with people standing around me.  It was very amazing.  I felt so connected. I also got up this morning and practiced it because I’m going to use it in my practice to help my niece and many others who are struggling with problems and who don’t know how to work their way through then. The whole process was so amazing.  You start with the problem and figure out where that is and then you put all these elements back in.  You have to try it this class.  You have to have this for your practice. It’s going to be a game changer.

I’m Linda Knight and I attended Patricia Eslava Vessey’s class yesterday on HypnoKinesthetics.  always feel weird about myself because I’m not a visual person and as a hypnotist we are always asking people to visualize. And what really impressed me was that we got to make a motion that expressed to us what that felt like. If our body could make a movement to express that feeling, what would it be.  I noticed with the issue I picked that I started out very, very tight and my movement were very, very restricted and that as I moved through the process, I became much more open, and my movements became more fluid and more excited and full of joy, and I just can’t describe, really in words, how wonderful it felt when I pulled in those resources and the movement I got was an exact image of my grandson when come to his house, “I’m happy you’re here”. And it was my body telling me that, and that was amazing.  It was very transformational.  I would highly recommend that to anybody that is feeling stuck in any way or restricted, to do this and let their body show them what it would feel like to have those issues resolved.

My name is Amber Cox and I took Patricia Vessey’s HypnoKinesthetics session yesterday and it was quite mind blowing and powerful. It was a beautiful protocol for healing.  It was such a highlight. It’s a very solid protocol and it brings in all of the senses in a very beautiful way that it folds in Timeline in a kinesthetic way that it re-imprints you. It’s an amazing technique for healing. So I highly recommend it. She’s incredibly skilled at facilitating and leading a group or individual. I’m so grateful that I took that class because I got a lot out of it and I will use it a lot with my clients.

Hey, Randi Light, and I’m at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference and I have to share with you, I had an incredible at Patricia’s class on HypnoKinesthetics.  First of all, I’m kinesthetic and I love moving my body.  So I went through his exercise to let go of a limiting belief, and we used different movement that gave us resources and really helped shift and change our state and it was just fabulous, that part. But the part I really want to share with you too is that I was talking with someone later I made one of my movements on accident, like subconsciously I wasn’t paying attention and all of a sudden, I got back to that state.  It changed and shifted me and it happened subconsciously. So, I was so impressed with Patricia’s work and I encourage you to reach out to her if you want to learn more and find out how this can help you and work with your clients.  Randi Light, Peak Performance Coach

I’m Caryn Bird with Win With Hypnosis, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk to you about Patricia’s class, HypnoKinesthetics. It was an amazing class that I really had never thought these techniques. But it was using hypnosis with movement.  And the beauty about it was that you were able to express yourself without verbalizing. So if you have a client that is not really verbal or they don’t know how to express their feeling, this was a process where they can express it through movement, and at first when we experienced it, it felt a little uncomfortable and you weren’t sure how to express the emotions, or recreate the events that had gone on, but as you went through the process it was very clear how to release those emotions and in the end it felt really good.  It’s definitely a new process that I think is going to be up and coming and is very exciting and I can see using it in the future very soon. It was amazing.

I’m Roxanne Louise and I just finished attending Patricia Vessey’s class on HypnoKinesthetics. And while I’ve experienced Timeline therapy before, walking the timeline, what I found so interesting about this was adding it to the actual body movements, getting into a body movement that represented the problem, the resource and the solution and then taking that resource back to the cause and the problem.  It was very powerful, especially when it was added to music. So it’s a very interesting and valuable take on Timeline therapy.

My name is Mark Sewell and I just took Patricia Vessey’s class, HypnoKinesthetics.  I had an amazing experience and I would highly recommend that you take this class.  Even though I picked an issue that was minor at the time, it turned out to be really significant and I had a great emotional release.  So I highly recommend that you go through this process as well.  I plan on using it with many of my clients. Thank you so much for the training.

“It’s a whole different way of approaching how to change or more specifically how to address a problem and work through it in a way that is visual, kinesthetic, and auditory and really brings it all together. I loved it. It really had a profound impact within me even on the problem I just brought, and that was just for a two-hour class.  I can’t even imagine what a more thorough practice of it would do”.  Anthony Peters, CH.t

“It was something so completely different that I never experienced before at a hypnosis conference mainly because we’re always dealing in words. And so, to see that combined with how we can use our body to re-write stories, to rewrite processes, to rewrite events or whatever it may be, to use our body as the main focus instead of just words was really beautiful.” Kelli von Heydekampf, CH.t

“Her class was brilliant…. And the reason why it’s so powerful it is because she has a great understanding of NLP techniques and what I really respect about her work is that she took this NLP to another levelwhen you put your mind and body together, the results that you can achieve are just amazing. I would recommend this to anyone. It’s a beautiful profound and life-changing experience.” Savo Kosic, CH.t

“And it’s truly a delightful way to make significant and meaningful changes for you. So, if she offers it again be sure and take this course because it’s just great a thing to do”. Michael Watson, CH.t

“I just want to share with all of you what an amazing experience it is, and that each and every one of you should take it in when you have a chance and experience it as well.” De’Anna Nunez, CH.t

“It was fantastic, far surpassed what I was even expecting, even though I knew it would be great. I’m excited about learning more about it and continuing to use it with some of my clients. I highly recommend that you take this class.” Mariana Matthews, CH.t

“It’s a whole process to use a combination of NLP techniques and movement and accessing the unconscious and the conscious patterns that have taken place in the body, and the unconscious filters and conscious filters that we put on. And it’s really a lovely process that moves through all that.” Tracey Barrett Adams, CH.t

“Patricia took us through this process that was allowing us to make movement in our bodies and take something that is hugely such a mental process, that can be somewhat draining for people like myself, and she allowed us to create it as a movement process and it was so fantastic and I just can’t recommend her and it enough.” – Lindsey Susa, CH.t

“I also discovered that my body really knew something that I didn’t consciously know yet. – Annette Mertens, CH.t

“It was very, very powerful, especially for those people who can’t articulate what they are going through and have a hard time finding the solution and talking about the problem.  It was amazing.”  – Anne-Marie Savage

“Patricia’s class was amazing and very powerful for me to see the effects of the body movements and releasing emotional imagery and problem-solving.  Loved it! My fav class so far.” – Heather Haslem

“I just want you to know I took Patricia’s class today at HTL, and it was so amazing. I didn’t really expect the turnout that she had, and I didn’t really expect the change work going on. The amazing thing was, we had a rather large group even with men in it and when the movement came to dance like movements, I thought the men would sneak out the door, but they didn’t.  Even I participated too. And we all felt changes and all the amazing things they said later. The only thing I’m really sad about it is that she didn’t record it on video so that you could appreciate and go along with us and get the change work that she got with all of us.  But you know what?  You can book a session with her and have even better change work with Patricia, because she’s the best.” Angie Hernandez

“I’m Shannon King and I participated in Patricia’s Dancing Score workshop and I just want to say it was excellent. It was truly a technique I found to be very valuable. Something came up for me that I wasn’t expecting and it was really cool to have that physical connection with my body and to have that expression.  Patricia is fun and she’s engaging and she is super energetic and she just has a way of really relating and responding to the group and making it really easy and simple, not only to follow the instructions and the directions, but to actually put yourself in that place of being a little vulnerable because you’re moving and doing things that you wouldn’t normally do, but it was a safe enough space to do it and to really find a lot of value in the technique.” Shannon King