8 Recordings + 2 Bonus Recordings!
Regular MP3 Price: $200, Special Price: $80
Quick Overview:
Have you tried everything and nothing seems to work? Are you tired of failing at managing your weight? Now, you will learn to use hypnosis to help you lose weight and keep it off for good! You will feel motivated, confident and determined to make these permanent changes easily. Multiple topics covered to address all aspects of weight management. Now, with this program you will naturally and easily enjoy the freedom you will have in successfully managing your weight.
Hypnosis is a powerful, proven process for personal change, and overall health and wellbeing. Using hypnosis to release excess weight can help you increase your desire to eat healthily and exercise regularly, the key components to weight management. You will learn to use the power of your mind, your true success center, to help you achieve your weight management goals. You will learn to release weight, manage your eating, and feel confident, healthy and energetic. And it will be far easier and more enjoyable than you ever thought possible.
Regular use of these recordings will support you in making TODAY THE DAY YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE. You will address the fear that often keeps us from the success we desire. Releasing cravings, eliminating unhealthy food and programming your mind and beliefs to make healthy choices will empower you with success. Learning to Love To Exercise will transform your thinking and feeling about moving your body in an enjoyable way. And you will learn to eliminate a particular food from your diet with our Food Aversion recording. Create a regular habit of listening to these recordings and enjoy your success.
The Recordings:
- Change Your Life Weight Release
Are you ready to make today THE DAY you commit to making positive changes in your eating-weight, even though unfamiliar or uncomfortable? If you want to surround yourself with supportive people, thoughts and activities and feel good about the changes you are easily making, add this recording to your arsenal of success tools. - Fear of Success
Perhaps you have successfully released weight in the past only to sabotage your success, even though you know you can be successful if you choose to. Now, using energy psychology and the power of your mind, you will make a solid decision to be successful this time. - Abolish Cravings & Overeating
Instead of giving in to cravings and overeating, you will see yourself on the TV screen of life, making different empowering and healthy choices that make you feel good about yourself. If you struggle in this area, you want to add this recording to your collection. - Eliminate Unhealthy Food Now
In this recording you will pull out the cords and break your attachment to unhealthy food in a powerful way, and train your miIn this recording you will pull out the cords and break your attachment to unhealthy food in a powerful way, and train your mind to love vegetables and other healthy foods.nd to love vegetables and other healthy foods. - Healthy Eating
Enjoy this soothing and relaxing hypnosis recording while releasing the need to eat when you are bored, anxious or for any other negative emotion. You’ll be inspired to live a healthy life, and make healthy choices. - Letting Go
Relax like you’ve never relaxed before and experience letting go of negative thoughts and behaviors that have prevented you from achieving your ideal body weight. As you easily accept suggestions to create healthy habits you will feel confident and successful. Be uplifted by a story of triumph and change your thinking forever. - Letting Go Affirmations
Transform negative beliefs and behaviors into positive, affirming ones with this uplifting recording of positive affirmations to support you in releasing excess weight. As you listen to this recording you’ll feel positive and confident in releasing weight and making positive changes in your life. - Loving To Exercise
Do you struggle with exercise? Not everyone loves to work out. In this recording you will look forward to moving and exercising your body in some way, every day. You will feel confident and successful as this new habit becomes easier and easier.
- Reprogramming Beliefs
As you visit the control room of your body you will turn down the gages for fat storage and appetite and you’ll turn up the gauge for energy and metabolism. All this as you learn to deeply love yourself, reprogram your beliefs and become optimistic, enthusiastic and energized for success! - Food AversionÂ
Is there a food you struggle to resist? If you could get rid of that food would controlling your eating be easier? If so, you’ll want to add this recording to your collection. You will release your attraction to that food while gaining control over your eating after participating in this session.
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