
“Our bodies forget nothing. Every fear, every memory, every joy, every trauma you’ve ever experienced can be traced back in your body.  Your body remembers the stories your brain has forgotten.”- Lonerwolf

Powerful Mind Body Solutions for Life’s Challenges and Change

HypnoKinesthetics is a new and exciting personal empowerment system that combines NLP, coaching, hypnosis, and movement to help you heal the past, embrace the present and eagerly anticipate the future.

I created this system based on research from movement therapy, cellular memory theory, and mind-body science because it supports powerful change, healing, and transformation through physical movement. According to cellular memory theory, every event we’ve experienced including traumas, tragedies, and even triumphs and all their associated emotions have been memorialized, downloaded and stored in the cellular tissues in various locations in our body. We know from research that if left unresolved, over time, this stored stress, trauma, and harmful memories can lead to physical, mental and emotional problems like illness, injury, and disease. This can result in poor performance at work, school or sports; and create problems in relationships with self and others. The inability to feel happiness, joy and a sense of belonging and contribution can also be present.  In other words, unresolved negative feelings can have a devastating effect on your entire life. Those memories are stored in your body, and with HypnoKinesthetics we will use your body to heal and change them.

HypnoKinesthetics is a powerful and effective system that creates rapid and profound change. It can help you improve in all areas of your life by creating solutions to a multitude of life’s challenges. And if you work with others as a coach, teacher, therapist, nurse or counselor, dietitian or in other helping capacities, HypnoKinesthetics will give you tools to help people make permanent, powerful and positive changes. This system can be used with all ages from school age to the elderly.

Profound change can occur in just one session. However, several sessions will anchor and facilitate the manifestation of those changes, and provide follow-up and accountability.  HypnoKinesthetics includes a growing catalog of techniques and classes that allow you to experience powerful change work.

Some of the benefits of using HypnoKinesthetics include:

  • Helps to heal cellular memories, thus warding off illness, disease and improving health
  • Deliberately involves the body in healing the mind
  • Provides a process for skill-building
  • Replaces automatic behavior patterns
  • Removes roadblocks
  • Empowers your physical self
  • Provides mastery of new skills
  • Improves self-belief
  • Causes a closer mind-body relationship
  • Creates empowering physical rituals
  • Cancels and clears the problem
  • Identifies the cause of the problem and resources to solve it

See this student demonstration of one of the HK techniques.  This is from a workshop taught at HypnoThoughtsLive Conference in 2019.

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how HypnoKinesthetics will help you personally, or in your professional work with others.  Call or text 206-459-2898 or email,

HypnoKinesthetics can be used in content free sessions for those not wanting or able to access and verbalize problems or for those who have challenges that might interfere with a more traditional “talk therapy-coaching” approach to problem solving.

For those clients-patients preferring more traditional therapeutic treatments and verbal interaction, thoughtful, powerful coaching questions, NLP strategies, hypnosis and other therapeutic modalities can be used in conjunction with HypnoKinesthetics to access additional, deep, unconscious resources for healing and resolution.

HypnoKinesthetics can be used with those who want to experience a new and powerful way to heal and resolve problems while accessing additional pathways of inner knowledge, wisdom and healing within their powerful mind-body relationship.

HypnoKinesthetics is an effective methodology and remedy for stress, anxiety, fears, depression, procrastination, chronic health challenges and other self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. It can be used to facilitate and grow more positive self regard, self esteem and healthy self love, goal setting, future planning, focus, clarity and follow through.

HypnoKinesthetics can be also be used in one-to-one sessions, with adults, teens, children and the elderly. It can help to identify, resolve and build confidence in those struggling with performance such as athletes, dancers, gymnasts, and other performers.  This methodology is successfully used with sports teams, dance groups, gymnastic groups, at yoga retreats, staff retreats, and as team building or in problem-solving activities.

Contact us today for a consultation and to discover how HypnoKinesthetics can help you or someone you know heal, change and overcome the challenges that have kept you feeling stuck, trapped and unable to reach your goals.

Call, Text or Email Patricia at 206-459-2898


©2018 Patricia Eslava Vessey… All Rights Reserved

Testimonies for the hypno thoughts 2018 workshop:

Patricia’s class was amazing & very powerful for myself to see the effects of the body movements & releasing emotional energy and problem solving. Loved it! My fav class so far on friday thanks. Heather Haslem