Life & Executive Coaching

What is Life & Executive Coaching?

Coaching is a highly successful, rapidly growing process that supports individuals and groups in learning new skills, achieving goals, and in successfully managing life challenges and change.

Today many top executives, actors, leaders, athletes and others hire coaches because doing so gives them the edge in performing while helping them create the extraordinary lives they desire.

Together, we will create a powerful coaching relationship during which I will support you in discovering who you are at your core – your Core Heart Essence CHE®. And you will create the extraordinary life you desire as you gain clarity in all areas of your life.

During our work together, you will learn to release negative, limiting beliefs and destructive beliefs and behaviors while paving the way for new, empowered thinking, confidence and success in creating the life you desire and deserve. I will encourage and challenge you to stay true to yourself and your goals. You will thrive in this relationship as you stretch, reach and grow toward a truly fulfilling life.

“It feels so good to have someone fully supporting you, with your very best interests and your success at the forefront.”

Coaching is for people who want…

their outside life to reflect what is deeply important to them inside
to learn to make conscious and authentic life changes that stick
to experience all that life has to offer
to discover their life purpose and mission and live it brilliantly
to eliminate limiting beliefs and behaviors

Coaching is for people who dream of something better for themselves and want to turn this dream into a reality. Coaching is effective in any situation; whether in business, wellness, parenting, personal, or others.

What in your life do you feel you want to change right now? What frustration, problem or emptiness is hungering for a clear vision and a plan? What support do you need? Whatever change you are looking for, I can help. Contact me for a free phone consultation.

CHE® Coaching

What would happen if you continually pushed a pencil tip through the eye of a needle? It would eventually break under the pressure and not be able to write and express itself, wouldn’t it?

When you force yourself into situations that don’t fit who you truly are, you become frustrated, unhappy and unable to fully express who you are meant to be. You become that pencil tip… Think about what this unnatural fit and pressure does to your life… Does unhappiness, frustration and lack of inner peace manifest in your life… and what effect does this have on you at a deep level?

Let me ask you a few questions…

Are you SQUEEZING yourself into jobs, roles, and relationships that do not reflect your true self?

  • Are you TIRED of forcing yourself to be someone you are not?
  • Are you feeling EMPTY, as if something is missing?
  • Are you filling the VOID and lack of purpose and joy with MEANINGLESS stuff and activity?

If you would like a lasting solution, an answer to all of these questions, something that really works, let me introduce you to a method of discovering and honoring your Core Heart Essence, CHE®.

In the elegant and vibrant language of Guarani, one of the official languages of Paraguay, CHE® means I, or Me. CHE® also symbolizes the Core Heart Essence, which is in each one of us. CHE® is the “I or me” at our heart center, and within it lies the key to who we are deep inside.

CHE® is our true selves, who we are beneath the inhibitions, expectations, pressures, and criticism from self or others. CHE® encompasses our life purpose, values and who we were created to be.

Our CHE® is that core body of knowledge we have about ourselves and the world but seldom access… It is our well of life, keeper of curiosity, innocence, creativity, happiness, passion, and grace. It is where infinite possibility, love, and hope reside. It is promising and limitless potential.

Choosing to bring forth, support and fully live our CHE® takes courage. It is not always easy. Sadly, succumbing to the pressures of the world is often easier than living an authentic, empowering, and joyful life.

So why not just give in and “be” like everyone else living in the world? Because when you discover and live your CHE® you have the real opportunity for true joy, self empowerment and congruent and authentic living. For example, what decisions would you have made (and make now) about a career, partner, lifestyle, etc be if they were made with solid self-knowledge rather than outside pressures? What if you learned to make decisions that support and allow to blossom and come alive, who you really are…?

Some of us know who we are, but we don’t support ourselves. Instead we do what’s convenient, easy, less risky or pressing in the moment… We keep searching for meaning outside ourselves, instead of looking inward and embracing the wisdom in whom we were created to be – our CHE®.

I will support you in discovering and living from your CHE®. You will become Masterfully and Brilliantly in charge of your own destiny, feeling whole, connected and inspired…

Imagine this… What would it be like to give your CHE™ a microphone and place her on center stage with curtains drawn and spotlights turned on? What would she say if given an opportunity to REALLY, TRULY AND HONESTLY tell you what she wants her life to look like? What would she say about the job you are in, your relationships, your goals, and your health?

What would she say about what you’ve been doing and saying to her all these years? What would she say she’s been putting up with? What has been painful, and what changes would she plead with you to make?

The pressures of daily living cause us to switch on autopilot, and not consciously choose what we do. Our CHE®becomes buried beneath layers of shoulds, have-to’s, stress, and busyness. We have either never discovered our CHE®, or she is hidden at the bottom of our laundry pile of life.

The consequences of disconnecting with our CHE® sends us on a quest to fill the void, emptiness, and lack of joy, love, and passion with the meaningless “stuff” of life. We often squeeze ourselves into jobs, roles, and relationships that do not reflect our CHE®. Instead of honoring who we are we flog ourselves until we conform, and we bury our CHE®…

There is always hope…

Through a process I’ve developed, you will build a strong foundation in discovering your CHE®. You will learn to make decisions that support and honor yourself. You will become grounded and aligned in learning to live your life based on your CHE®.

The enormous benefit in this foundational work is that it applies to every aspect of your life. Whether you are a leader, business owner, busy mom, retiree, or young person, knowing yourself, and supporting who you are will give you clarity, confidence, and purpose in everything you do.

If you are tired of the pain, emptiness, and meaningless activity in your life and you KNOW you want more; if you want to RECLAIM your CHE®, contact me today.