Business & Learning
Your mind set, completely controls your experience of life. It affects your choices, how you experience life, how you feel about yourself and it directly determines your success.
Our mind set is formed as children, by the people in our lives including, parents, siblings, other kids, adults, teachers, clergy, TV, experiences etc. Whatever was repeated in our lives becomes ingrained in our minds and forms how we think, feel, believe and behave. Typically, this doesn’t change unless we have experiences that challenge our mind set and cause us to “be” different. We can also change this mindset with the help of a coach, hypnotherapist or counselor, or in participating in change work through hypnosis audios and experiences such as workshops, reading etc.

This early mind set can prevent us from success in business, learning, abundance thinking and money. At Integrity Coaching & Training Systems, we want to help you achieve the success you desire. With hypnosis, NLP and coaching, you can learn to use your mind to grow your business success so that you have a quality of life that nurtures and sustains you. We will help you realize that you create your success. You will create a clear vision, plan and a path to achieve it. And you will remove those your blocks that have kept you stuck. And, you will
program your mind for success.
You can contact us to begin creating your business success now. When you work with us you will receive the following success audios. However, you also can purchase them at our store and use them to support your empowering new business success mind set.
You can heal, change and overcome a life time of unhelpful experiences with hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), coaching and other energy psychology modalities. Patricia, at Integrity Coaching & Training Systems can help. She will help you discover and embrace positive ways to “be, think, feel and behave” towards yourself. With these tools you will unravel and disassemble those limiting, negative and destructive self-beliefs. And you will transform them into the success you desire and deserve.
Contact Patricia today for a FREE consultation. Let her answer your questions and tell you how she can help. Call or Text 206-459-2898. Or email,