About Patricia

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Patricia Eslava Vessey is the owner and CEO of Integrity Coaching & Training Systems, a multi-faceted personal development company.
Described as a personal development guru, she combines over 30 years in social work, leadership and fitness training with skills in life coaching, training, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to create powerful and effective processes to free people who are immobilized by limiting beliefs and destructive habits and behaviors that keep them trapped and unhappy. She supports people in transforming these limitations into the authentic, fulfilling, resourceful and empowered lives they desire.
Even as a little girl, Patricia knew she wanted to work with people…. She dreamed of being a fireman, policeman, and doctor. Endowed with unstoppable energy, Patricia wanted to experience everything life had to offer. Flowing, growing, exploring, expanding and constantly in motion accurately describe her insatiable appetite for interacting with her world. Creative, gifted with big picture thinking and a born entrepreneur, she loves dreaming up new ways of doing things.
Patricia began building her expertise in childhood. Growing up in a small conservative town she always felt she didn’t fit in, and that no matter what she did, she wouldn’t be good enough. She felt stifled by seemingly unfair standards and discrimination which made her feel disempowered. Thankfully endowed with a fierce determination and strong will (not always appreciated by teachers…) she fled the small town and its way of thinking.
A born leader, she was determined that no one but she would determine her course and future. She stumbled many, while making poor choices, but she learned from each one of them. With this knowledge she began making better, heartfelt decisions all the while growing and learning to trust herself.
On a quest for healing and self-discovery she searched for answers about who we really are beneath the exteriors that are so often judged by others. In college, with psychology as her major, she studied the great masters of personal development such as Virginia Satir, Maslow, Freud, Erick Erickson, Milton Erickson, Jung, Piaget and others.
Her bachelor’s degree in Human Services included transpersonal psychology, counseling, therapy, personal growth, child development and business courses. Through her studies, she gained a greater understanding of herself and human nature. She learned that everyone has struggled with feelings of self-worth at some time in their life. She learned to acknowledge, embrace, and honor who she was at her core, her core heart essence or as Patricia likes to call it, her CHE®. This completely transformed her life.
Excited to share this illumination, and support others in freeing themselves from limiting beliefs and behaviors, she has made it her life goal and passion to help people empower themselves to live the life they deserve and are meant to live. To this end, she created a powerful and effective process to help others create a healthy inner life. She discovered that this foundational inner work is vital in creating a healthy environment both internally and externally.
This passion led her to work with children, youth, adults and families at Head Start Child Development agency, Auburn Youth Resources, Echo Glen Children’s Center and, for 30 years, with the Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS). While at DSHS she served as a caseworker, social worker, service coordinator, foster home licensor, recruiter, and for 16 years as a supervisor and regional manager. She collected a wealth of experience in human development and behavior during these years. She learned valuable and effective ways to work with people.
Government work was very stressful. So for balance and as a creative outlet, Patricia began teaching fitness classes in 1980 and later became a personal trainer and instructor trainer. She soon discovered that her passion in helping people also manifested in the field of fitness/wellness and this became a second, parallel career. She loved this outlet and soon became trained and certified in multiple fitness formats.
She currently teaches at three health clubs. Her classes include cardio salsa, Zumba, weight training, Yoga, advanced step and Active Older Adults (AOA). She has 3 national fitness certifications through the American Council on Exercise in person training, group fitness, and lifestyle & weight management.
In 2004 she decided to become certified as a life coach to obtain additional skills in working with people. Patricia’s desire to further her skills as a practitioner and to offer the highest quality service to her clients has led her to achieve the level of Professional Certified Coach (PCC), an esteemed certification with the International Coach Federation (ICF) (www.coachfederation.org).
Patricia’s commitment to her clients is to be the best practioner she can be. This led her to become certified and registered as a clinical hypnotherapist, and to complete a Master Practitioner designation in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). She is also a certified TimeLine™ Therapist, Reiki practioner, a certified mentor coach along with countless other trainings and certifications. All these tools enable her to support her clients in making immediate, heartfelt and lasting changes that empower their lives.

Patricia loves working with groups, and in 2004 she began creating and teaching personal development workshops/seminars. Since that time she has created over 26 unique, life-transforming, experiential workshops in personal development, wellness, leadership, team building, coaching, communication skills and others.
One of Patricia’s strongest values is her commitment to lifelong learning. She is committed to learning not only academically, but also more richly from life experiences. She finds and learns from the rich bounty in all situations, especially difficulty ones. She believes they are opportunities to learn more about ourselves, grow in understanding and appreciation of our world, and make heartfelt changes to create the extraordinary lives we desire. And she loves using this rich learning to support others.
Patricia is in her glory, fully expressing her CHE® when she is able to help others transform limiting beliefs and behaviors into successful and honoring self-discovery. She believes deeply and passionately in creating a healthy inner life, filled with compassion, love, appreciation, and commitment to ourselves. Creating this strong foundation first she knows will help us face any obstacle with confidence, and serve as a platform for creating the life experiences we desire both personally and professionally.
Whether the interaction is in one of her numerous and varied classes, in a coaching relationship, a hypnotherapy/NLP session or in a conversation, Patricia’s commitment to supporting others is inspiring and transforming.
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- Certified Health Coach – American Council on Exercise (ACE)
- Certified Sports Hypnotist – Spencer Institute
- Certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach (Minnesota Institute of Advanced Communication Skills)
- Certified Virtual GastroBand Practitioner
- Certified Medical Hypnotherapist – Alabama Hypnotherapy Center
- Certified Medical Hypnotherapist – Hypnotherapy For Health
- Certified Relapse Prevention Specialist (Addictions) – Wendi Friesen
- Certified Mentor Coach, Invite Change Coaching School
- Washington State Registered Hypnotherapist
- Member Of Society Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- National Guild of Hypnotists – Certified Hypnotherapist
- Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, Bennett Stellar University (BSU)
- Master Practioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, (BSU)
- TimeLine Coach, (BSU)
- Train the Trainer Certification I & II, Peak Potentials
- Hypnotherapy Certification, American Pacific University
- Alchemical Hypnotherapy
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) training
- Chakra Healing Training
- Yoga Instructor
- PCC Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation (ICF)
- ACC Associate Certified Coach, International Coach Federation (ICF)
- CPC Certified Professional Coach, Academy for Coach Training
- Collaborative Leadership Certificate, Seattle Central College
- Three National Certs: Personal Training, Group Fitness, Lifestyle & Weight Management Certification, American Council on Exercise (ACE) 1998
- Specialized training in Group Facilitation
- Certified Total Quality Management Facilitator
- PRINT™ Facilitator
- Living Your Vision® (LYV®) and Discover Your Vision® (DYV®) Certified Facilitator
- B.A., Human Services, Western Washington State University
- A.A., General Studies/Business, Oregon Technical InstituteContinuing Education Provider providing credits for Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) and ACE certified fitness instructorsSome Additional Fitness Training and Certifications:
Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Modern Dance, Ballroom Dance, Pilates, Yoga, YogaFit, Weight Training-Powerflex, Urban Rebounding, Zumba, Cardio Salsa, Hip Hop, Step, BOSU, AFAA Mat Science I & II, Water Aerobics, Resist-A-Ball, Les Mills – BodyFlow, Body Training Systems – Centergy, Kickboxing, Cardio Funk, Interval Training. - Certified OldPain2Go Practitioner
- Certified HypnoBirthing Instructor
- Certified ICBCH Instructor
Read what people are saying about Patricia

Testimonies About Hypnosis
My naturopath recommended hypnosis with Patricia Vessey for problems with pain, anxiety and fatigue in relation to my fibromyalsia. I was shocked how well this worked after just one session. I have returned for sleep and other issues. Patricia was wonderful at listening to my problems and making me comfortable with hypnosis. I found her to be very caring and helpful. She has a very safe, soothing voice. I would highly recommend her hypnosis sessions to anyone. I have had great success and use her lessons daily to deal with my sleep and fibromyalsia problems. Thank you Patricia.
Patricia is a very skilled hypnotherapist. Unsure as to the results I’d get, I was quite pleased when it became clear that the sessions with Patricia were actually helping me to dismiss thoughts and feelings that had seemed to take up permanent residence. Patricia provided me with some unique techniques that I still practice in order to keep my focus where it needs to be. I highly recommend Patricia to anyone who wants to move past stubborn personal issues, fears, emotional prisons, and the like. As long as they participate with an open mind, they’ll see the results.
Patricia has exceptional skills at making you feel relaxed and calm. Her hypnotherapy sessions are full of great techniques for solving problems and letting go of stuff.