Read what people are saying about Patricia

Testimonies About Hypnosis
My naturopath recommended hypnosis with Patricia Vessey for problems with pain, anxiety and fatigue in relation to my fibromyalsia. I was shocked how well this worked after just one session. I have returned for sleep and other issues. Patricia was wonderful at listening to my problems and making me comfortable with hypnosis. I found her to be very caring and helpful. She has a very safe, soothing voice. I would highly recommend her hypnosis sessions to anyone. I have had great success and use her lessons daily to deal with my sleep and fibromyalsia problems. Thank you Patricia.
Jan Larson
Patricia is a very skilled hypnotherapist. Unsure as to the results I’d get, I was quite pleased when it became clear that the sessions with Patricia were actually helping me to dismiss thoughts and feelings that had seemed to take up permanent residence. Patricia provided me with some unique techniques that I still practice in order to keep my focus where it needs to be. I highly recommend Patricia to anyone who wants to move past stubborn personal issues, fears, emotional prisons, and the like. As long as they participate with an open mind, they’ll see the results.
James Alberson, Sandler Training
Patricia is a skilled hypnotherapist and uses an individualized approach in her work. She has a great commitment to doing her best for her clients. My work with her has resulted in successful public speaking and gaining confidence in my inner authority. I have highly recommended Patricia to family and patients. Keep up the good work Patricia in facilitating growth and empowerment for people to reach their goals.
Naturopathic physician, Dr. Lynn Mikel, Naturopathic Physician
Patricia has exceptional skills at making you feel relaxed and calm. Her hypnotherapy sessions are full of great techniques for solving problems and letting go of stuff.
Kathy Nordgren
Patricia – I just have to tell you that the NLP/hypnosis WORKED!
I tested my needle phobia, well lack of, today by getting a flu shot. I am dancing and cheering and smiling and crying tears of joy!!!!!!!
I have also given your information to a few friends. What happened is too good to be true, and I want to share. Thank you so very much!
Kathi Coon 425-525-3713

Testimonies About Weight Loss
It works. I don’t know why or how, but it does.
M. Flanery
The hypnosis tools are great tools to add to my goal to release excess weight. This was a thoroughly positive experience in all aspects – not just weight loss. Absolutely worthwhile.
Cherine White
I eat better. Pay more attention to what I eat. Get full easier. I feel very positive about this experience, and listening to the CD every day will help me accomplish my goal.
Lynn Wauga
Very positive – lost weight right away. The experience was good all around for me. I had a more positive look on the future.
Rosegene Mathews
(took class last year and again Jan 2011) Lost 35 lbs in 11 month previously had been exercising over 3 years with no weight loss.
Brenda Austin
I have more control over what & when I eat. Also have lost weight with a positive attitude. Don’t have hunger pangs. It’s positive and will give you a positive approach to weight loss.
Everything is working well — I have lost about 10-12 lbs! Yeah!
My life has completely changed for the better! Since the very first hypnosis session, I have been making healthy food choices, exercising 3-5 times/week, drinking a minimum of 8 cups of water a day. All this with very little effort on my part. I find myself just wanting to live this new way! The most significant change though has been my ability to stop –cold turkey- my habit /addiction of drinking Diet Pepsi. Since I don’t drink coffee or tea, the Diet Pepsi has been the vice that’s gotten me through the day for the last 30+ years! I have unsuccessfully been trying to stop for 20 years – with no luck until now!! I really have the ability to consistently make good, healthy choices with very little effort! It’s almost magic! I was really pleased with the results, especially with the ease of how almost effortless it is to stay on track! I recommend Patricia Eslava Vessey and the course because it really does work! Her knowledge base is outstanding. The class exercises were fun and really helped to see the points that Patricia was making. I’d recommend this course to anyone that wants to make healthy changes in their life. Thank you so much! You have really changed my life!
C. Jackson
At 54 years of age, with a self image of being ‘the pudgy one’ from childhood, reinforced with years of ’emotional battering’ from my father in a failed attempt to motivate me to be slim, I had a problem. My problem was visible as I carried my excess weight as an armor of protection against hurt. One thing that I knew I controlled for sure was the intake of ‘comfort food’. Unfortunately, it seems that somewhere I lost control and reached a very uncomfortable weight at 5’8″ and 264 pounds. It was uncomfortable mentally and physically.
Patricia helped me identify the potential source of my problem. In addressing the source I could forgive myself and forgive my father to let go of the past. Then, through hypnotherapy my lifetime of negative image and thoughts that controlled my actions have been replaced by a positive direction that has allowed me to lose 37 pounds in about 3 months with what seemed like ‘no effort’. I find that I am making healthy selections for the type and amount of food I eat, along with enjoying the mental and physical benefits of walking as my choice of exercise.
I look forward to additional weight loss as I continue to learn how to approach every situation with my new and more positive approach to life. This includes my new view of food and exercise that contributes to my overall well being.
Thank you Patricia! I am very grateful for the direction you have provided for me to make a welcomed change.
My selection of foods has been much healthier. I have exercised almost daily. I’ve released 2 lbs the 1st week. I am trying something new. I have hope it will change my focus on weight loss.
G. Hedgpeth
I am a 62 year old woman, who has struggled with my weight since birth. I was able to maintain a HWP size for a 4 yr period in my early 20’s, but the rest of my life I have bounced between 125 and 356lbs, depending on my emotional state and life’s stresses. Exercise, to me is a dirty word, and some weeks the only green I eat is pistachio pudding. Two years ago I discovered the HCG diet, the umpteenth diet I have tried, including a lap band, which did not work for long. I almost got down to a normal weight. I felt great, and thought I looked fabulous. So fun to shop for clothes again. I felt I had the admiration of my peers. Then something very telling happened. I started gaining it back. I could not control what I put in my mouth and all I could think about was the next meal or snack. Took awhile to figure out what had happened. When I was heavier nobody came on to me. I thought that at 60yrs old I was safe to lose my protective outer shell, but what was going to have to happen was I would have to get strong enough to tell an (occasional) suitor to back away from the fat broad, and deal with the emotional aspects of my eating problems. This is why after one class, I am so excited about Patricia and the hypnosis. It is the ONLY program for weight lose that has ever addressed why I overate in the first place. Sure, it tastes good. But how much chocolate do you need????? In one week after the first session, I lost 7 pounds. I am not on a diet, I chose healthy foods, and eat smaller portions. I don’t gorge before bed. When I get up in the morning, the person in the mirror is less bloated in the face, and Im happy to be alive. Going to my next session in 3weeks. Oh, and its affordable!!!!! So excited to have met Patricia.
susan fairchild

Testimonies About Lap Band/Gastroband Classes
Working with you helps me clear out the negative brain chatter/clutter so that I understand the concepts and use them. I now know my dreams are within reach. I am not alone anymore.I have a best friend. MYSELF. You reintroduced me to my real self that I had buried so deep I couldn’t find her on my own. The pedometer is wonderful! I DANCE! I forgot how I loved to dance! I swim! I forgot how much I love being surrounded by water! I can do 6000 steps now. I feel so much better and my self esteem went up because I am doing something I deemed impossible with my weight,age and bad knees! I also see how my excess body weight,credit card debt and clutter are all the same thing. I am using the EFT technique sheet you gave me and EVEN THOUGH I still have these issues I COMPLETLY LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF! I have to do the work, put in the daily time and effort to unearth myself. I GET THAT NOW and because of your work with me I now know I am capable. I AM REBUILDING my self by rebuilding my self esteem one step at a time with the building blocks you gifted me with, and I lost 27 lbs in the 3 months I worked with you.
Betty Young
Choosing to go to Patricia for hypnosis and the hypnotic gastric band was the best decision I have made. The experience far exceeded my expectations. From the first session, my behavior changed easily and naturally. I eat less, recognize my body’s natural hunger, and am able to stop eating when my body says that I am full. The weight is coming off easily and safely. I am able to handle social situations, emotional situations, and challenging days without falling back into old emotional eating patterns. This is not a diet. This is a complete shift and I am not a slave to food any longer. Patricia is a wonderful hypnotherapist. She has helped me breakthrough in my personal life and I feel more empowered and positive than I ever have. Thank you Patricia!I feel free and in control and I love this new life that you’ve helped me achieve!
Marina Tanay
It was fulfilling. Patricia put us all into the deepest of trances and convinced us we had lap bands. It was incredible, really, when we were brought out of the trance, I really thought I was wearing one! I learned that a little bit of confidence and determination can take you a long way in your fight against problems. I intend to fight the good fight.
Ann Marie Smith
It feels great. I just hope I can carry it through my life. I will use the exercises in the morning to prepare for the day
Jan Carrol
Very positive experience; I enjoyed class. I learned visualization-I will use my first anchor and the lapband and photo of my future self.
Cindy Gorgas
I did relax and had a great picture of me in my mind. I learned to picture myself the way I want to feel and see.
Erika Tejada
I enjoyed it. I learned anchoring – going to use when needed.
Nancy Lucero
The anchor was helpful and new – I intend to use it frequently and use the CD for 21 days.
Stacy Hansen
It was good. I really enjoyed it and could feel it working. I learned how to use anchors and set goals.
Tia Sims
It was easy to do and would do it again.
Debbie McDonald
Very good and valuable techniques.
Carol Bui
This was new to me. It was different and I’m excited about the outcome. I learned determination, confidence, and commitment and how to achieve it.
Donna Schreiber

Testimonies About Quitting Smoking
I went to Patricia for hypnosis for my smoking habit. I was a little skeptical because I had tried hypnotherapy in the past and it didn’t work. This was quite a different experience and I really liked the approach that Patricia took. She even wanted me to check in with her the first couple of days to let her know how it was going for me. She was and still is incredibly supportive. It has been nearly six weeks and no cigarettes!!
Amy Eckland
Haven’t smoked since I met Patricia six months ago. She took the time to figure out why I smoked and then released me from it! This lady really has a gift. Thanks, Patricia – I’m forever grateful.
Quitting smoking! Easy, right! Have done it many times. Now – do you want to quit for good???? Patrticia, through her skills and tools, has given me that chance. It’s been a month for me and not only am I smoke free, I’m confident in myself and don’t have the fear and anxiety I’ve experienced in the past. I will follow up this testimonial in months to come so others can know it’s possible.
Terry Jones

Testimonies About Anxiety and Phobias
I’ve attended a previous hypnosis seminar and bought your “Freedom From Fear” CD and used it a lot. I was not perfectly consistent for 21 days in a row but I listened a lot to it and was able to take my husband on the Seattle waterfront Ferris wheel for our anniversary! I’m afraid of heights!
Teresa K. DeMars
Patricia – I just have to tell you that the NLP/hypnosis WORKED!
I tested my needle phobia, well lack of, today by getting a flu shot. I am dancing and cheering and smiling and crying tears of joy!!!!!!!
I have also given your information to a few friends. What happened is too good to be true, and I want to share. Thank you so very much!
Kathi Coon
I wanted to give a sincere THANK YOU to Patricia for assisting me in overcoming a most disabling fear of earthquakes. After being involved in a few Seattle quakes, I’d adopted a deep rooted fear which affected me daily, kept me up at night, rerouted my driving trips through the city and probably shared with my daughter. In the 2 hours I spent with Patricia I’ve conquered this fear. I check with myself for situations which previously would have affected me and VOILA! Nada! I 100% endorse, respect and appreciate her effectiveness in overcoming fears/phobias.
Katie Hildebrand
When it comes to Patricia’s centergy classes, she’s as good as it gets! That is why I sought her out to help me deal with a flying anxiety problem that has been haunting me for some time. It’s still a work in progress, but it gets better every time, thanks to Patricia’s compassion, understanding, calmness and expertise with hypnotherapy. I recommend her highly.
Beth J.
Somehow it was my luck to be involved in two car accidents, five months apart. Both accidents were identical events……intersection, pick-up trucks, my driver’s door struck while I was the driver. The first accident totaled my older car and the second totaled my brand new car. My neck, head, back, shoulder and hip had been healing. My fear of driving wasn’t. Because driving is extremely essential to my life, particularly employment as a marketer, I sought help with a neuropsychologist to help get me back on the road. While recommendations sounded helpful, attempts to change my behavior did not help. I was referred to Patricia at Integrity and learned that she has a great deal of experience with many types of phobias. Her ability to understand my fears, including the embarrassment of not being able to drive, was remarkable. Her ability to help me release those fears, permanently, allowed me to return to my normal life. How one session with Patricia managed to accomplish this, I cannot thoroughly explain, but I am certainly grateful I had this opportunity. I have been and will continue to recommend her.
Toni Maupin

Testimonies About Coaching with Patricia
Thank you for your help and support. Please feel free to publish my hearty, and heartfelt testimonial to your services. You have been instrumental to my progress and recovery from some traumatic events in my life.
After doing some soul-searching, I finally came to the conclusion that I needed some help. I searched the web, finding Patricia Vessey, and decided that she and her services were a possible answer to my needs. I was out of work, miserable, and going through a divorce. I felt almost as if I was slowly drowning. Upon my first meeting with Patricia, I felt as if I had come upon someone who would help me save myself. She has helped me do wonders. Within a month of sessions with Patricia, she had helped me regain my sense of self-worth, and gave me tools to work with. These tools enabled me to overcome my procrastination and hopelessness, and helped me to look forward to the rest of my life. I believe it is no coincidence that I found a good job (and a number of job offers) just before my last session with her. It’s amazing what self-confidence and focus will do for a person. By myself, it was difficult. With her help, counsel, and methods, things have become better and do not seem so impossible. I look forward to a long and mutually rewarding relationship with Patricia, and will be always grateful for her help and support in good times and bad. Thanks, Patricia!
Joe Z.
Patricia is passionate about her work and it shows. I have had numerous sessions with Patricia and each time I am amazed at what I get out of it. Her approach is creative and informative. Her work is of the highest integrity. She provides a comfortable space with tremendous compassion. I can’t recommend her work enough…
Erin King, Ren Acupuncture & Wellness
I’d give Patricia Eslava Vessey more than 5 stars if I could. Patricia has been my lifecoach for over 3 years now and I can truly say she has been a huge part of helping me discover who I am and how I want my life to unfold. She has been a blessing with her insight, wisdom, honesty, and encouragement. I started off working at a job I did not care much for (where Patricia was with me as I contemplated leaving unhappiness and taking a leap of faith in pursuit of the start of a dream) to doing things I love by helping others. Through it all Patricia has guided me on starting my own business/practice and continues to help me succeed. Besides being there from a business standpoint, she has helped me in all aspects of my life from relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, to even helping me with my fitness/weight-loss (release) goals. I would highly recommend Patricia and all of her various services to anyone who really wants to take the first step of unleashing their potential. Good luck on the journey- it would be awesome to have Patricia a part of it!
Michaella M.Michaella
Patricia brings a sincere compassion and intuitive knowledge for what I could do as her client. Her coaching provides a ‘can do and can do it exceptionally’ attitude. I rarely doubted that I could establish new routines and practices to support all that I wanted to do. And always with fun and lightness – it was never hard. I amazed myself weekly as I tried on new ways of doing things,
Jean Strosinski, Constructive Choices Inc.
Thanks Patricia, I appreciate the time with you as my coach for the past two months. The area that I was able to move forward in, with your support, has been around my health and fitness. I’ve lost 15 pounds so far, and my recovery from knee surgery is ahead of schedule. You helped me stay focused, clarify my intentions, create accountability and stretch my view of the possibility. Thanks for all of this!
Bruce, Transportation Manager
When I first started work with Patricia, professional coaching to me was about developing potential and capabilities in my work. With her insight, experience and facilitation, the motivation to improve transformed all aspects of my life for the better as well. Her in-depth and insightful manner helped me make significant positive changes that were hard to imagine as even being possible at the beginning of the journey. I have moved toward working with difficulties rather than avoiding them, and the path forward is clear and bright. Heartfelt thanks to Patricia!
Lesli L.Cohan, BSN, RN
I have known Patricia for almost ten years; three of those years, I reported directly to her while working as a Child Care Center Licensor for the Division of Child Care and Early Learning. She is a transformational leader who inspires those around her. As a supervisor for the Division and now as a professional coach, she has a way of instilling passion and energy into everything. It is her unswerving commitment as much as anything else that keeps people going. Patricia is people-oriented and believes that success comes first and last through deep and sustained commitment. As a professional coach, she continues to motivate and rally others by listening, comforting and enthusing.
Carissa Doré, Therapist
Patricia’s coaching has supported and inspired me. She has a tremendous ability to capture the essence of our communication and help me stay focused on what I really want. She’s a real model for me of an authentically grounded coach.
R, Coach, Northern California
I am truly inspired by Patricia and her positive energy and insightful & intuitive presence. She really helped me to move forward in my life and supported me so graciously along the way.
S.Vanden Bos
Patricia has really helped my professional career by providing a mental tool to help remind myself of my abilities when making a new contact. In my business we are “door knockers” and have to constantly introduce ourselves to prospective customers. This doesn’t come naturally to me so I want to thank Patricia for helping me. I recommend her services to any sales professional.
Steve Wood

From Patricia’s Classes, Workshops And Courses
It can work. Work the program and push yourself away from the table. The course is a positive experience. I learned that there are other ways to fill up yourself other than food.
Rosemary Ziemba
Hi Patricia,
Thank you again for providing your valuable class to the Burien community. I want to report the incredible effect your class has had on me. Without even trying, I’ve already lost weight and have been inspired to work out on a regular basis. It feels so freeing!
Mind you, I had all but given up on achieving any weight loss before I signed up for your class. I went into the experience with an open mind, however I was skeptical that hypnosis would have any effect on me. Two days after our last class I awoke to an unusual feeling of not wanting to overeat food immediately. I thought I must be getting sick (seriously). Of course, I wasn’t sick at all, simply not stuck on food! Well, three weeks later, I still have the same fresh attitude and it feels incredible. I now see food as nourishment and am compelled to eat healthy, nutritious meals. Desserts are no longer fascinating to me; I’ve maybe had 2 desserts since taking your class, instead of the usual 2 per day. I can now simply live life without feeling bad.
Your CD, which I listen to every night at bedtime, is very effective. Your soothing, confident voice is wonderful. Cheers to you, Patricia – you have a winning formula!
Connie Pettit
This is a positive step. I believe I am benefiting. I have had the occasion of using hypnosis instruction four times. This has been the best class or instruction so far
The speaker gives you other tools to help you be successful besides just sending you home with a tape. You have a wonderful gift of teaching – thanks for sharing with us.
You were very rejuvenating for me! I am very excited to go back on Monday and implement new ideas that I received. I also learned that empowering everyone to become more successful engages them more & more.
R. Antonio
It was what I was looking for, reinforced and helped me focus yet opened me up to more clarity of what I am trying to achieve – launching new business – tutoring, consulting and coaching. Excellent PowerPoint This is a stepping-stone and connecting for me. Thank you revealed more than my expectations
L. White
I feel more inspired to use the questions and process to gain clarity in direction of creating workshops.
Lots of great tools, loved it all.
S. StPeter
Excellent presentation. I can’t wait to implement them and also make them part of my own make-up as a Director.
H. Hopelink
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